Downloadable FOAMed

Check out our growing collection of short video & audiocasts on various  rural resus topics.
(also accessible under the Info drop-down above.)


Airway Checklist

Checklists bring order to chaos.  This particular checklist for RSI and routine intubations was designed with the Rural Emergency Provider / Infrequent Intubator in mind.   Download, store on your phone or print and carry in your bag or affix to your airway cart.    

Use it as is or modify it to better suit you and your environment.  Just don't be caugt without one! 


Sepsis Highlights

With all the changes over the past decade are you confused about the latest on Sepsis?  This simple infographic summarizes the most recent international guidelines (2016), and translates them into rural practice. 


Ventilator Primer

This twelve page pdf sequentially reviews the key physiologic concepts necessary to understand ventilator modes & settings.   It will help you make sense of ventilator waveforms and how they correlate to what is happening physiologically.  

If you're less than comfortable with ventilators, we recommend you start here prior to the self-study Ventilator Q&A available below. 


Lyme Disease Infographic

So, not technically a "resuscitation" topic, but as rural emergency physicians, this is a longstanding and confusing thorn in our sides nonetheless.  This infographic updated in July 2018 summarizes the most important points to remember in risk stratefying tick bites and risk of Lyme Disease.  

Don't forget to check out the accompanying 11 min audio discussion too.

RnR Rounds is a revenue-neutral CPD program operated by Community Health Network Ltd.  
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